Bee swarming is a natural occurence in Spring. We remove the bees safely and place in hives.
One thing about swarm removal is, you never know where you are going to find yourself. Bees manage to get in the strangest and usually least convenient places.
We have over ten years experience in removing bee swarms in the Illawarra and have taken them from most of the usual places as well as possum and bird boxes, behind security shutters, car engines, compost bins and stereo speaker boxes to name a few. The swarms we manage to save go to where we keep our hives and in a year or two, with care and attention from us, could be producing honey.
Swarming is a natural process that occurs generally during spring and summer. When bees swarm they are merely looking for a new home. They are generally not aggressive when swarming but, of course, should be left alone.
Do not attempt to move the bees by hosing or spraying with insecticide, as you are likely to be stung.
It is advisable to contact Illawarra Bees on 0435016898 as soon as you notice a swarm so it can be removed before it enters a wall cavity or roof space as this may require poisoning of the swarm.
Swarming is a natural process that occurs generally during spring and summer. When bees swarm they are merely looking for a new home. They are generally not aggressive when swarming but, of course, should be left alone.
Do not attempt to move the bees by hosing or spraying with insecticide, as you are likely to be stung.
It is advisable to contact Illawarra Bees on 0435016898 as soon as you notice a swarm so it can be removed before it enters a wall cavity or roof space as this may require poisoning of the swarm.